A top interview question often asked is why have you chosen a career in marketing? It is a receptively simple question but one where you must give an answer which shows motivation, enthusiasm and a positive career choice. Learn how to answer this and the most common marketing interview questions in this post.
When applying for your first job in the legal sector or even making your career moves upwards one of the top interview questions will be: why choose a career in law? In this post you will learn how to answer brilliantly, plus discover other key interview questions and answers.
Have you been invited to take part in a Civil Service pre-recorded interview? Perhaps you have been told you will be taking part in a live face-to-face video interview?
Following graduation, former students may not know where to turn. Is work experience worth it for the boost it can give you at a competency based interview?
Excellent article covering interview questions and answers that might be posed to graduates along with detailed answer guides for success in your interview.